(born June 24, 1929, Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban artist. He engages in painting, drawing, engraving, and graphic design. In 1959 he obtained a scholarship for painting studies in France. From 1960 to 1961 he was at the Real Círculo Artístico de Barcelona, Spain. In 1962 he presented his works in a show titled Exposición de Manolo Vidal de un Puñado de Dibujos, algún Gouache y alguna Tinta', in the Lyceum, Havana. In 1964 he exhibited Exposición Dibujos de Manuel Vidal in the Biblioteca Nacional "José Martí," Havana. In 1995 he exhibited Diálogos, Dilemas, Deseos y Discursos. Dibujos de Manuel e Hilda Vidal in the Galería de Arte Domingo Ravenet, Havana. In 1996 he presented La Interpretación de los Sueños in the Espacio Abierto Gallery, Revista Revolución y Cultura, Havana.